
The Mommy Microscope

I've realized lately that I have to try my best not to look at Fox under a microscope. It's hard with all the issues going on not to overanalyze every little thing. For instance, he hates getting a bath. Hates it. He kicks, screams, tries to climb out and breaks down into hysterics the entire time - every time. If I carry him into the bathroom even just to look in the mirror he starts crying because he thinks I'm going to start running the water. Now, I'm sure a lot of kids his age hate the bath, but of course my mind jumps right to sensory issues which are common in children with autism. If we didn't have everything else going on I probably wouldn't think twice about it and would just write it off as a kid who hates water - no big deal. In fact, I'm pretty sure Quincy went through a similar stage and it didn't worry me at all. But there are other things too... for example he will not walk on the grass if he has a choice. If we are in the middle of a field he is ok with it but in the backyard or outside school he will not go off the brick path. If I pick him up and put him on the grass or the mulch he starts crying and won't move. The other day when we were playing outside he accidentally ventured onto the grass while chasing a ball and as soon as he realized what he had done he froze and started screaming for me to rescue him. He also won't walk over the doormat because it is a different texture - I have to carry him. It's so hard for me to know what is just a quirk and what is something to actually be concerned about. I try so hard not to look at him under my mommy microscope, but I also don't want to miss something that is important to notice and bring up to his doctors. I have realized that I just have to make note of everything, but remember that some of these things are common in all types of children.

xo Betsy

1 comment:

Heather P said...

This entry articulates your challenge and insight so well. You are doing everything right, mommy! Know that you are strong and know that you are doing it right. Keep letting your love for him be your guide.