When I first found out what was going on with Fox the only thing I thought of was how I was going to do everything possible to help him. The best doctors, the best therapists, the best everything. I still feel that way of course, and I will do absolutely anything to get him the help that he needs, but I also recently realized just how very expensive all that is. I think that happens with a lot of parents of children with any kind of medical problem... your first focus is just doing whatever you have to do for your child, and then after the dust settles you realize the other stuff that goes along with that. I know moms who have had children in the hospital for a long time due to prematurity or other conditions, and of course your only focus during that time is getting your child well - but then you come home to thousands and thousands of dollars in medical bills that just add to the stress you are already under. I am thankful that Fox receives Early Intervention for 4 hours a week, but if I want to get him started with some additional private therapies, which I think would really benefit him, the cost is very high. Getting him just one hour of private therapy a day (M-F), would cost approximately $3600/month - yes, $160/hour! It's stressful enough having a child with special needs without having to also worry about the expense. I am very thankful for Early Intervention, but I wish that there were more programs available to get children additional help at a reduced cost. And I am also very thankful that Quincy & Romy are doing so well because it's hard enough trying to figure out how to afford everything for one child... I can't imagine trying to figure it out for two or even more, which a lot of people do. It 's an awful thing to have cost be a prohibiting factor in getting your child the help they need, but that's the reality for a lot of people, which is just so sad and frustrating.
xo Betsy
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Hi Betsey, you don't know me but a mutual friend shared this blog with me. I just wanted to say you are doing an amazing job so far. All the frustrations you are feeling, are all valid and expected. I love the "almost today"... it hits a little to close to home for me. Keep up the good work, it will all work out in time, and remember it could always be worse.
Another stranger coming here to post that I enjoy reading your blog and I'm glad you take the time to keep it. Your life is in sometimes very different than mine (you're spiritual, I'm not) and in some ways very similar (we have have kids benefiting from Early Intervention). Take care,
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