A lot of people have asked me about the name of the blog, Almost Today, and its meaning. It's actually a name I've had in my head for a very long time. My freshman year in college I remember sitting at my desk and reading a book where those two words were next to each other in a sentence and they really stuck out to me. I scribbled down Almost Today, in green pen, on a scrap of paper and stuck it in my journal. I thought that maybe I would use it someday for the name of a book, or a poem, or a painting. I didn't know exactly why but I knew that it had special meaning to me and I should hold onto it. Now it all makes sense. One of the hardest parts of this journey is trying to get answers - waiting and waiting and just when you think it's the day you'll get more information, you don't. There are all these hopes that today you'll find out something new, but instead you just wait some more. And there are so many times with Fox when he is so close to doing something we have been working on, like getting a piece of a puzzle in the right spot, or clapping during one of our songs, but he just can't quite get it yet. Or maybe he will do it once and I'll be all excited that he finally has it... and then he won't do it again. So many times I'll think "today is the day", but it's not - it's almost today. I think a lot of moms of children with special needs can relate to that feeling - that feeling like things are never going to happen - that feeling of being in a constant state of "almosts". And so the name of the blog was born, and now I know exactly why those words came to me ten years ago and I remembered them all this time.

xo Betsy
1 comment:
Very cool Betsy! Thanks for sharing that.
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