After Fox's IEP meeting last Thursday, we have success - at least temporarily. He will be getting intensive ABA therapy every day as part of an extended day program at school. He will also be receiving speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy 3x a cycle (which is six days) AND, the part I was the most concerned about... he will have a one-on-one aide with him for at least the first six weeks, at which point we will reevaluate. Yay! This eases my mind at least a little bit for right now. I am somewhat worried how he is going to do with having his very first school experience being 5 days a week, for 5+ hours a day... it is an awful lot for a barely 3 year old... but hopefully he will adjust and be fine with it. Looks like I'm going to have to start weaning him off his naps in the next week or so to help him prepare! I'm also hoping with all my heart that nobody will make fun of him for being the kid with the "helper". I know how mean kids can be, and he will be in with 3 - 5 year olds, so I just have to keep telling myself that the teachers are on top of it and he will be fine and protected from any kind of teasing. The thought of someone ever making fun of him for needing extra help kills me inside... my precious little man. Lets just hope this whole transition is all way harder on me than it is on him...
... he's ready!
xo Betsy
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