
More Therapies

At Fox's review last week his occupational therapist suggested that he receive a physical therapy evaluation. Along with everything else going on, Fox also isn't physically quite where he should be at two years old. He can't kick a ball well or walk up stairs unassisted, he doesn't squat to play or know how to jump. He has finally started running pretty well (and climbing!), but there is a lot more that needs to be worked on. Today he had his evaluation and he did indeed qualify for services. The therapist said he is probably comparable to a 14-16 month old in terms of his physical abilities. I'm happy that he qualified for services, but at the same time it creates its own challenges. It means probably two more hours a week of therapies, which is a lot on him and a lot on me. As it is right now we have teachers coming for him 7 times a week, and with PT added it could go up to 9. It's hard having someone here every. single. morning. There is no day we can just hang around in pajamas or go to the playground right after breakfast. Every morning is taken up with therapies and now a lot of afternoons will be as well. I'm thankful that the girls are back in school because it gives them something fun to do while I have to be home with Fox. This summer was hard on them because we just weren't able to get out and do much since I always had to be here for therapies. I'm lucky that they are such wonderful little girls and never once complained, but I know it's not always easy for them. Hopefully soon he'll start making a ton of wonderful progress and we won't need his therapies to be quite so intensive, but for right now, as hard as it is, I'm just so glad that the services are available for my special little man.

xo Betsy

1 comment:

Heather P said...

Hang in there, Betsy. Happy belated birthday, Fox!