

Two years ago today my precious little boy was born. He really is my little miracle, the boy that I never thought I would have. My pregnancy was so full of surprises and scares, completely unlike the other two, that I will never for a single moment take for granted having my precious little man. At the first doctor's appointment they couldn't find a baby, just an empty sac... they said to come back in a few days and they would check again... talk about the longest few days ever! When I finally got back in for an appointment, there he was with his little heart beating away. Then at the 20 week ultrasound they found a spot on his heart that needed to be evaluated with a level 2 ultrasound... they said it increased his risk of Down's Syndrome but that it was probably nothing to worry about (hard for this mom). The level 2 ultrasound didn't show any additional markers for Down's Syndrome, but they still couldn't figure out what the spot on his heart was so they sent me for a fetal echocardiogram. Long story short, his heart is completely fine now. Then I started getting intense early contractions and wound up in the hospital multiple times, sure he was going to come early. However, he ended up being a week late. I had to be induced, and while the labor was short, I must say that being induced made things much more painful for this no epidural gal! Finally he was born, with the cord around his neck, but fine. At four days old he was in the ER, but again, nothing to worry about. From day one, little baby Fox has enjoyed keeping me on my toes and I'm sure it's not over yet! His second birthday is such a celebration, but it's also difficult for me. When we first started this journey nine months ago, I thought for sure that by the time he was two he would be caught up... that he would be talking and singing and acting like a typical toddler, but unfortunately he's not. He still doesn't talk and doesn't play like most two year olds do... he can't do puzzles on his own or pretend play much, he doesn't respond to his name (but he does understand "no"!) or know the difference between his sisters... he doesn't follow instructions such as "go get me your shoes" or "where's the...?" or sing songs. The hardest part is seeing other children his age doing all these things, or looking back at pictures of Quincy & Romy when they just turned two and seeing how different they were. It's easy day to day to not realize exactly how different Fox is, but then something will happen like a friend will post a video of her 1 year old singing the alphabet and it will hit me suddenly. It's hard and I get sad, but then all it takes is one great big Fox hug (if you've ever gotten one you know what I'm talking about!) for me to realize that none of that matters... I have the perfect little boy for me... and it's time to celebrate because today he's TWO!

xo Betsy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday to Fox!! And may you have many many more.