
CHOP, Visit One

Last week I took Fox to CHOP for his big evaluation with the developmental pediatrician. We got there around 8am and walked into a room with five people all sitting waiting for us... a little intense. The team evaluated him for over two hours... watching him play and interact, trying to get him to do little things, etc. At times some of them went behind a two-way mirror to observe and give him a little break from so many people, which was helpful. Overall I feel like he did a really great job... he was in a good mood, which I was very thankful for, and didn't seem to mind being in a new place. The team said that they don't want to see kids on their best days or their worst days... they just want to see how they usually are, and I think we accomplished that. At the end of the evaluation I was told that I had to come back in a week for the findings and recommendations... that they had to have time to write their report, etc. The thought of waiting another week for some news was about more than I could take and I asked them to please at least give me some indication of what their initial thoughts were. The developmental pediatrician told me that obviously he has a huge speech delay... no babbling, no words, etc... but even if we were to take that delay away, there are still other concerns. I knew this... I've known this for 6 months... but somehow hearing an expert at CHOP say it made it very real. This has definitely been a long week... knowing a little information but not everything... just waiting to go back.  So, Thursday afternoon is the big meeting and likely a diagnosis... finally. While I'm so nervous about what I may hear, and probably won't sleep at all the next two nights, I also know that with it will hopefully come lots of information, resources and help.

xo Betsy


Anonymous said...

My heart and prayers go out to you and Fox... I too am dealing with some developmental delays with my 22mo son. Currently working with EI and it doesn't make it any easier knowing that ultimately we have no control over the outcome no matter how hard we work at it. I hope you are able to be at peace with the outcome and may God give you the strength to push through any obstacle. I am currently searching for a good developmental ped. If you don't mind me asking. Could you recommend the team you saw and how long was the wait?

Almost Today said...

He saw the developmental pediatricians at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and I thought they were wonderful. They came highly recommended and I can see why. They quoted a wait of 9 - 12 months but we got in for an evaluation after 6 months. I suggest letting them know that you are free to come in whenever they need you to and to get on their cancellation list... that is how we got in so soon. Good luck with your little guy... please feel free to email me at epalmateer@hotmail.com if you want to talk more!

xo Betsy

Jennifer said...

Good luck, Betsy. Remember that whatever the diagnosis, you are a great mom doing everything you can to help Fox and that is a wonderful gift you are giving him.

Adrienne said...

Want you to know I will be praying for you tonight. I know this has got to be so hard, just waiting and wondering what they will say but now there will be a plan. A plan to help Fox be the best Fox he can be. And you'll have so much more knowledge and we all know that knowledge is power.

I know this isn't what you planned but Fox was placed perfectly into your family, just the way he is and there will be so many highs and lows but I think you've already realized the highs are really high! If you need to "chat" feel free to email me: mikeadge@gmail.com-you know I can relate to this in many ways!

Twin Dude Mama said...

Good luck Betsy! My pedi just referred me to a developmental pedi to have an eval like this done. I hope that you get better news than expected but at the very least some closure.