Last week I went to a first birthday party for my friend's son, who is just the cutest little boy. I was having such a fun time and wasn't thinking at all about what is going on with Fox, when all of a sudden I saw the birthday boy wave goodbye to everyone. Of course I was thrilled for him and for his family that he is able to do that already (plus, it was adorable!), but inside all I could think was... Fox is 8 months older and still doesn't know how to wave. I quietly excused myself to the bathroom, let a few tears run down my face, then pulled myself together and went back down to the party. I know that things like this will happen from time to time and I've gotten pretty good about allowing myself a few minutes to be upset and then moving on. Well, wouldn't you know, a few days later when Fox's occupational therapist was leaving, he waved goodbye to her! I must have looked like a kid on Christmas, jumping up and down, clapping and praising my precious little boy. I really needed that. It's so easy to let all the worrying consume you and sometimes you just need that little thing to give you renewed faith. He has waved every day since, and every day since I have been just as excited and proud as the first time.
xo Betsy
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
This is beautiful, Betsy!
That's awesome! My boys' just had their first bday party and neither waves or points either. One of their friends has been waving for months now. So hard not to worry.
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