
Very Good Week

I have been told many times that there will come a point with Fox where everything will just seem to come together. I've been waiting and waiting for him to start making some progress and this week has just been fantastic. His wonderful therapists have started coming four times a week and I really think that has made a huge difference. He has started signing "more" when he wants something, which is huge. It's so nice to finally be able to communicate him a little bit and have him be able to express to me what he wants. He is also doing great with his sensory issues... he will walk on mulch (if I put him there... he still won't go onto it by himself), has started taking a bath without screaming and actually enjoys playing in the sandbox outside! He is working so hard and I'm just so proud of everything he has accomplished. The other great news is that CHOP finally called and had a cancellation for an appointment with a developmental pediatrician for THIS THURSDAY at 8am! I wasn't expecting to get a call until August or September, so I'm thrilled to get him in for his evaluation so soon. Fingers crossed that it goes well and that I can finally get some answers.

xo Betsy


Last week I went to a first birthday party for my friend's son, who is just the cutest little boy. I was having such a fun time and wasn't thinking at all about what is going on with Fox, when all of a sudden I saw the birthday boy wave goodbye to everyone. Of course I was thrilled for him and for his family that he is able to do that already (plus, it was adorable!), but inside all I could think was... Fox is 8 months older and still doesn't know how to wave. I quietly excused myself to the bathroom, let a few tears run down my face, then pulled myself together and went back down to the party. I know that things like this will happen from time to time and I've gotten pretty good about allowing myself a few minutes to be upset and then moving on. Well, wouldn't you know, a few days later when Fox's occupational therapist was leaving, he waved goodbye to her! I must have looked like a kid on Christmas, jumping up and down, clapping and praising my precious little boy. I really needed that. It's so easy to let all the worrying consume you and sometimes you just need that little thing to give you renewed faith. He has waved every day since, and every day since I have been just as excited and proud as the first time.

xo Betsy

Baby Steps

Today when I was waiting to pick the girls up from school I let Fox out of his stroller to run around a little bit and enjoy the beautiful weather. Normally he sticks very close to me and, of course, doesn't go off the sidewalk. I've actually sort of enjoyed this because it's easy to keep tabs on him and I don't have to chase him too much. Well, today he took off for the grass, paused as he got just to the edge of it, smiled and ran right onto it - amazing! He ran all over the field and didn't seem bothered by it one bit.  I am so proud of my little man! I know that he has really been struggling with walking on different textures and I'm just so happy that he managed to work through something that made him uncomfortable. If you had seen him today you never would have known that it was something he was scared to do just days ago - I couldn't keep him off it. He still won't go near the mulch, but we're taking baby steps here and he is doing great!

xo Betsy

Little Mommies

Fox is so lucky to have two big sisters that absolutely adore him. Quincy especially loves to teach him things and be a little mommy. I have not told the girls anything that is going on with him, they are so little and really don't need to know, but I can tell that Quincy has picked up on the fact that he needs a little extra help. She knows that Fox has a "teacher" that comes a few times a week and she has asked why nobody like that ever came when Romy was little. I just told her that the teacher comes to help Fox learn, which she accepted. She definitely senses that sometimes he needs a little extra attention and is always eager to get down on the floor with him and play teacher. She is such a good big sister and will be such a wonderful mommy someday! Below is a video of Quincy teaching Fox how to pick up - she is so patient and sweet with him and he just absolutely loves her. My favorite part is the little happy dance that Fox does when he is proud of himself. Enjoy! (Oh, and make sure to  press pause on the playlist at the bottom of the page so that you can hear the audio in the video - and turn it back on when you are done!)

xo Betsy