I'm happy to say that since the last time I wrote Fox has grown leaps and bounds. He is really starting to get the hang of sign language, which is so wonderful! He's finally able to communicate a little bit which has relieved a lot of his frustration. He now, pretty consistently, signs "more", "open", "no", "I did it!" and "all done". We're working on a few others... "help", "milk", etc. and I'm sure he will get them soon. He has also done a lot more with gesturing, which is huge for him. Yesterday he and Quincy were playing tag and when he wanted her to chase him he would point to her, grunt and then pat himself... as if to say "come and get me!"... so cute. He's also started pointing to some body parts (hair, tummy, nose & foot), waving, clapping, doing high-five, "how big", peekaboo, etc. SO MUCH PROGRESS! Lately he also has begun to make some sounds... not babbling, but whenever you hand him something he makes a little two-syllable noise to say "thank you". I'm so thrilled with everything he has accomplished over the past few weeks and am so eager to see what else he begins doing soon. I really think having his therapies go up to six times a week has done wonders for him and I'm so grateful for Early Intervention for providing them. There are still times that are hard... the other day at the pool I saw him playing next to a little boy who seemed to be developmentally pretty similar, although the other little boy was babbling and saying some words, which Fox doesn't... and when I asked the mom how old he was she said 13 months. Of course then she asked me about Fox and I said 22 months, which I could tell surprised her. Those are difficult times... but instead of focusing on them I just try to remember how incredibly far he has come, how hard he is working and how very proud of him I am!
xo Betsy
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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