A lot of children with autism have a difficult time with change, and change is something there has been a lot of around here lately. The kids and I moved to an apartment in town a few weeks ago and I was really worried about how Fox would handle the transition of having a new home, new room, new schedule, etc., but I have to say that he has done wonderfully! He's gotten to be very curious and has really enjoyed exploring this new place, checking out his new toys and figuring out where everything is and belongs. When the kids stay here at night they are all in the same room, and I didn't know how he would handle that since he is used to having his own quiet space, but he actually seems to really love having his sisters with him! Granted he doesn't fall asleep as early as he usually does, but he is so good and just enjoys sitting in his crib watching the girls read books and whisper to each other. Through all this change I'm so glad that he has his sisters as constants... always there with him. I'm incredibly thankful that he is a pretty easygoing little boy and has adapted so well to so much.
xo Betsy
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago