Last week I had a meeting with Fox's Early Intervention coordinator to discuss adding the speech services that CHOP recommended. Their report suggested 3 or 4 hours of speech services a week, but Early Intervention would only agree to 2... and that was only after I really pressed them for it. At this point I feel as though speech is the top area he needs help with, as he still doesn't babble at all, so it's a little frustrating to only be getting 2 hours a week. I'm alright with it for now, but if after a while I feel it isn't enough I will definitely do everything I can to get him more. Lately people have asked me what the hardest part about Fox's diagnosis has been and what I'm the most worried about. The answer is easy... I'm worried that he may never talk. That he'll never be able to say "I'm Fox". That he'll never call me "Mommy". That I'll never hear him say "I love you". It's overwhelming to even start to think about, so I try not to. I'm doing the very best I can to not look too far into the future... I know I have to just cherish every day and enjoy every moment... but some days it's easier said than done.
xo Betsy
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago